Your health matters, your presence counts!
COBALA developed unique programs to increase personal resilience significantly in a period of 6 months. As a result you will be healthier, happier and more productive in your professional and private life. For organisations it results in reduced absenteeism and increased productivity.

Why your personal resilience is so important
The number of people in Western society who will say “ I have lost myself” is increasing each year. They are confronted with symptoms like depression, chronic pain, unexplainable complaints, insomnia and often too tired to enjoy life. Their resilience is lost. At COBALA we have developed a unique program to find your energy and resilience back. For you and your family to enjoy life to the fullest.
IMPROVE YOUR RESILIENCEHow resilience solves organisational absenteeism
Nowadays 30 % of the people younger than 40 years of age are diagnosed with one of the known chronic diseases. Becoming older the number of people with chronic diseases expands. The risk for presenteeism and absenteeism in organisations is growing each year. At COBALA we developed a unique approach to guide people and organisations to a more healthy, productive and innovative company.
REDUCE ABSENTEEISM NOWThe COBALA Method | Increasing Resilience
COBALA developed tailor made services to improve resilience significantly in a period of 6 months. Our services are using modern medicine and traditional knowledge to achieve great results.
We use various stages in our approach:
Biometric analysis
Data Analysis
Your Personal or Organisational Plan
Personal Guidance & Support
We do not fight symptoms, we find the cause
We started COBALA to overcome the expanding problems in keeping your health optimal in a fast changing economy. Each year the number of people suffering from chronic diseases is raising leading to a decreased quality of life, increasing healthcare costs generating lower income and less healthy future generations.
Are you or your company suffering from low performance, feeling to loose control, presenteeism, high absenteeism, people at your salary list judged to be unable to work for years ?
Then CO-BALA are the best Catalysts for Change.
Results After Treatment
What Our Clients Are Saying
Through questionnaires before, during and after termination of our services we monitor the quality and impact of customer service experiences. So we can monitor the progress with the client. Observations and remarks we use to improve our services.
Great impact on the quality of life by our customers
Postive impact on workability of clients
Clients that make a careerstep within one year
Our customers wrote*:
COBALA supports with excellent People Centered Health Services.
General director/owner consultancy organization
Excellent support for health and workability.
Director Financial Services
Passion, knowledge with dedicated support and staggering results.
Specialist sustainable workability Insurance Company
Thanks to the professional guidance of COBALA, our employee is able to work again with a lot of energy and resilience from a Burn-Out situation.
General director consultancy and project management
Under the sound and extremely detailed guidance of Carla Peeters / COBALA, my overall health, energy and state of mind have improved significantly. My young children are also accompanied by her and are in better balance and are in their own right. After a temporary impasse in the field, I have the energy to pick things up again and decided to start for myself.
Former female director EU international company
“Inspiration for a healthier world” is a brilliant documentary. I very much enjoyed it. Carla Peeters discussed so many topics that I have been exploring in my own journey such as Ayurveda, toxins, organic foods, meditation/yoga, "root-cause" focus, and more. She is a terrific voice for the necessary "new paradigm" of medicine, health, and nutrition”.
Executive strategic consultant, board member
“We would like to extend our appreciation and sincere thanks to you as one of our reviewers, for making it possible for The BMJ to publish the highest quality content by providing your rigorous clinical, scientific, or methodological expertise. The contribution that you make in reviewing manuscripts is having a big impact, placing The BMJ 4th among the world's general medical journals”
Head of Research, The BMJ
* For privacy reasons names and companies are not presented
Case Studies
Case Study Young Stroke
Case Study Young Stroke Reversibility long term disabilities young stroke with Personalised Integrative Care® Although global stroke incidence is declining, rates in young adults are on the rise. Worldwide the yearly number of young people who experience stroke is 3,6 million. In Europe each year 1,1 million people are suffering from the effects of stroke, 80 % …
Case study frequent absenteeism; prevention prevents long-term absenteeism
Case study frequent absenteeism; prevention prevents long-term absenteeismFrequent AbsenteeismFrequent absence is risky for both employer and employee. Scientific research shows that 50% of long-term absenteeism will lapse within four years of employees who report sick more than 4x per year. In addition, 61% have another chance of frequent absenteeism the following year. Dismissal due to …
Case study diagnosis Burnout
The number of employees with burnout or burnout-like symptoms increases annually. In the Netherlands, about 14% of employees have a burnout. Burnout is seen as a work-related illness and is therefore defined as an occupational disease. Symptoms of a burnout are emotional imbalance and a low energy level...
Case study diagnosis Fibromyalgia
3-10 % of the general adult population worldwide suffers from fibromyalgia. Fibromyalgia is characterized by a widespread pain all over the body. It is difficult to diagnose as the cause of the disease is not defined yet. Diagnosis is based on scores or pain by touching tender points, general observations and complaints of the person. …
Case study diagnosis Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Mary an academic professional suffered from tiredness, stomach pain and emotional distress for many years. Every year her complaints became worse. She used painkillers to be able to go to work though frequently she was feeling too sick to go to work...
Inspiration For A Better Health
Gains in longevity are stalling, chronic diseases and mental ill health affect more and more people.
Almost a third of adults live with two or more chronic conditions. One in two people experiencing a mental health problem in their lifetime.
Health systems can and must do better to improve the health of our populations.
Healthy people contribute towards a prosperous and more productive society. Good health can enhance a person’s lifetime earnings by up to 25 %.
Health at a Glance OECD, 2019
The occurrence of adverse events due to unsafe care is likely one of the 10 leading causes of death and disability in the world
Globally as many as 4 in 10 patients are harmed in primary and outpatient health care. Up to 80 % of this harm is preventable. The most detrimental errors are related to diagnosis, prescriptions and the use of medicines. Patient Safety, WHO 2019
Serious misdiagnosis-related harms in malpractice claims: The “Big Three”- vascular events, infections and cancers. The most frequent disease in each category was stroke, sepsis and lung cancer. Causes were disproportionately clinical judgment factors (85,7 %).
Newman -Toker et al. 2019
A shift to health systems that places people at the centre of health services
Achieving Universal Health Coverage and the Sustainable Development Goals requires health systems to shift from an almost exclusively vertical top-down and curative paradigm to one that places people at the centre of health services.
A growing body of scientific evidence suggests the need to develop greater focus on the dynamic interrelationship between brain and body function and how connections are made in interpersonal interaction.
Universal Health Coverage; Integrated People Centred Health Services WHO, 2019
Europeans live longer but extra years are not always spent in good health.
Around 50 million people in the EU suffer from several chronic diseases, more than half a million people of working age die each year representing an annual cost of € 115 billion for EU economies.
Press report European commission 23 november 2016
More effective and timely healthcare
1.2 million people in EU countries died in 2013 from illnesses and injuries that might have been avoided through more effective public health and prevention policies or more timely and effective healthcare.
Report Health at a glance: Europe 2016
Cost of Misdiagnosis
Misdiagnosis too frequently results in harm to the patient. The yearly costs due to misdiagnosis or inefficiencies in US are estimated 750 billion USD/year.
White paper The human cost and financial impact of misdiagnosis Pineapplecare 2016
Our Goals For A Healthier World
At COBALA we are aware that we are connected and interdependent. It is our aim to generate in co-creation with our clients and shareholders a positive impact for a healthier world.