A bigger picture man ovelooking a big lake

A Big Picture Look at the Disastrous Public Health Response to COVID-19

A Big Picture Look at the Disastrous Public Health Response to COVID-19 Published at The Brownstone Institute An underlying principle of public health is, or was, to provide the public with accurate information so that they can make good health choices for themselves and their community. The past 3 years have seen this paradigm turned […]


Wearing a Mask During Indoor Exercise Can Be Fatal

Wearing a Mask During Indoor Exercise Can Be Fatal Published at The Brownstone Institute 10 June 2022 A recent article from the Technical University of Munich published in PNAS reached national newspapers in several countries worldwide. The team showed that aerosol emissions increase exponentially with intense physical exertion, indicating that indoor sporting activities result in higher risk of infectious diseases as […]


The Health Risks of Graphene

The Health Risks of Graphene During the pandemic a widespread use of nanoparticles has been employed for diagnostics, personal protection equipment, prevention, and treatments of diseases. The use of nanoparticles in biomedicine is expected to increase further due to a desire for real-time human health monitoring as seamless human/machine interaction.  The most booming nanoparticles that may rule […]

Radio interview: Why masks should be repealed immediately. The Richard Syrett Show

Radio interview: Why masks should be repealed immediately. The Richard Syrett Show Interview 16 november interview on the article at the Brownstone Institute Why masks should be repealed immediately in The Richard Syrett Show” which airs weekday afternoons 4-6 pm on Newstalk Sauga 960. Sauga 960 AM radio serves the Peel Region and the west […]